Ipswich CAP Debt Centre
With the Cost of Living Crisis looming there’s a great need for free debt advice within Ipswich. This is a great opportunity to help people with their practical and spiritual needs bringing the Good News across Ipswich. Christians Against Poverty is a wonderful charity that seeks to support people out of debt.
MIE is one of seven churches that financially supports the Ipswich CAP Debt Centre, that is located in the Hope Centre in town. The Ipswich CAP Debt Centre has a team of volunteers from local churches including MIE working alongside the Debt Centre Manager, Peter Watson in the important role of befriending and supporting clients to turn their lives around until they are debt free. The Centre offers the CAP Money Course, CAP Life Skills as well as personalised debt counselling.
There’s a freephone number – 0800 328 0006 – for potential clients to call and start the process of becoming debt free.
Should you wish to receive the newsletter about this ministry, join the volunteer team, please feel free to ring Peter on 07787 789934 (9am-5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday) or email him at peterwatson@capuk.org.