some practical considerations on fasting
There isn’t really anything here that is ‘rocket science’, but it might help to get you thinking about the practical side of fasting.
Like many things, it is best to start small and work up. If you have never fasted before, start by simply fasting for one day until 6.00 pm (many of the Biblical fasts are for 24 hours, so e.g. Jdgs 20:26, They fasted that day until evening…). Once you have experienced this and are beginning to know what to expect, you might feel it is appropriate to fast for longer periods.
Plan your diary carefully. Bear in mind that if you are fasting for more than 24 hours, the first 2 or 3 days can be pretty tough, before your body begins to adjust. You may need to rest more than usual (try to avoid intensive exercise, e.g. gym or sport), you may wear more clothes, and you may find it more difficult than usual to focus and concentrate over the first few days (even on prayer, and reading the Bible). It’s not uncommon to feel a bit dizzy at times too…
If you drink coffee, or take other stimulants, it is often best to wean yourself off them prior to beginning a fast – especially if that fast is going to be longer than 24 hours. If you drink a lot of coffee, you might have to keep going with that over a 24 hr. fast.
Begin to eat less progressively over a couple of days prior to beginning a longer fast. A fast of 24 hours or less will require relatively little preparation of this kind, but it’s worth preparing properly if you are intending to fast for longer. Likewise, don’t break a long fast suddenly. Come out of a longer fast over a period of a couple of days, starting with small portions of gentler foods and soups.
Don’t be legalistic, and please don’t feel pressured into doing more than you are comfortable with. If you don’t fast, that’s fine. If you meant to fast, but didn’t, that’s fine. You might forget, and eat something out of habit. OK. Don’t beat yourself up – just carry on with your planned fast.
If you are clearly ill or not coping, or if you feel there is good reason why you shouldn’t fast – if you are pregnant, or breastfeeding, or are on medication, or have health concerns, or a complicated history with food that you don’t want to revisit – don’t feel under any obligation. If you have specific concerns, perhaps discuss it with your Doctor and follow their advice, or the advice of official support organisations (e.g. has a number of articles addressing the question of fasting).
Think through ahead of time how you will negotiate situations that may arise: Are there times at work when it might be best to simply be out of the office? How are you to going to respond if someone suggests meeting over lunch? Or going out for a beer in the evening (it’s best not to drink alcohol if you are fasting!)? So much of life revolves around food and drink, and you will need to plan carefully how you are going to avoid it for the duration of your fast.
Don’t publicize it. You don’t even need to make an issue of it within the life of the Church - although like prayer, fasting can be a corporate discipline as well as a personal one. Some of fast reguarly during MIE’s days of prayer and fasting. Some don’t - again there is no pressure to go beyond what you feel is appropriate or helpful in your discipleship. But if you do decide to fast, I wouldn’t write a blog about your experience, or draw undue attention to your fasting. Jesus teaches us that we will face the temptation to turn this into an advertisement for my own self-righteousness (Matt.6:16-18). Best to avoid that if possible.
Whether you decide to fast during this term of DTP or not, I hope you will gradually weave this exciting discipline into your Christian discipleship, and that through it you will find yourself growing in Christ.